

  • Full Sun
    • 8+ hours of light
    • Lavender does not do well in shade


  • Zone 5 - 9


  • Requires 1 inch or less of water per week. Water when 2” - 3” of topsoil is dry.

  • Water regularly the first 3 weeks while roots establish, letting the soil dry between watering
  • After lavender is establish, water less frequently and allow the soil to completely to avoid fungal infections
  • Assure the soil is evenly watered
  • Lavender is extremely drought resistant and more prone to root rot
  • If placing mulch around lavender, avoid any near the stem as it will promote fungal infections


  • Perfect for a garden or a 2+ gallon pot


  • Plant in April 25th - June 1st
  • Dig a hole 8 inches deep and 6 inches wide. Plant the seedling's root ball as close to the surface as possible and pack soil loosely around it with your hands.


  • Between Plants: 12 - 18 inches
  • Between Rows: 24 - 36 inches


  • Height: 24 - 36 foot
  • Width: 24 - 48 inches

Harvest time

  • 90 - 200 days


  • Loosely packed, well-drained and dry soil composition:
    • ¼ compost or humus
    • ¼ drainage and aeration material (perlite or vermiculite)
    • ¼ loam (sand and silt. Small amount of clay)
    • ¼ sand
  • Preferred pH: 6.6 - 8.0


  • Fertilize soil before initially transplanting with 10-10-10 NPK, compost or fresh manure
  • No further fertilization is necessary throughout the growing season


  • Lavender is prized for fragrance and its ability to retain those aromas even after drying! Flowers can also be pressed for oils or used in teas.


  • Plant next to basil, chamomile, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, yarrow, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, pumpkins, echinacea, juniper, sedum, roses and various fruit trees


  • DO NOT plant next to cilantro, dill and any other crop plant not listed above


  • Lavender enjoys alkaline soil and will not tolerate a soil pH below 6.5. Take care not to place plants that prefer acidic soil with lavender.
  • Lavender takes 2 or 3 growing seasons before blooming.
  • Prepare lavender in the spring by pruning taller varieties (+24 inches) to ⅓ of their maximum height or smaller varieties 3 inches from the ground.
  • Harvest lavender when buds first begin to open by cutting the 2 - 3 inches below the bottom most flower on the stalk.
  • Dry lavender flowers by hanging upside down in a dry, well ventilated area with no direct sunlight. The drying process takes 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Lavender contains linalyl acetate (a Linlool compound) which is toxic to cats, dogs and horses. The most common symptom of toxicity is vomiting.